A Letter to Thirty Five Year Old Me


You made it.

If nothing else, Albie, you can say you made it. But now what? If I know you — and I'd like to think I do — then you're probably thinking turning 35 is no big deal, but you're wrong. Did you know that in numerology the number 35 is a sign of "business, building, efficiency, realism, and balance"? I know this because I looked it up and now you know too — you're welcome very much. But here's something we both know... 35 broken down to 3 + 5... equals 8. There's a reason we gravitate towards the number 8. There's a reason we consider 20 to be our favorite number, but 8 to be our "lucky" number... a number of abundance.


May this be your year of abundance Albie.

May 35 be the year you listen to your instincts, not your anxiety.

May 35 be the year you follow through on your big ideas...

  • write the second book

  • record the audiobook

  • resume the podcast

  • pitch all the things

You are capable of so much Albie, and I get it... we've always struggled with discipline. You're reading this and doubting you have what it takes but trust is, what you lack in discipline you make up for in passion & skill... by leaps & bounds. And what you don't know, you learn.

Let 35 be the year you learn new habits... better habits.

Let 35 be the year you're kinder to yourself... more patient with yourself.

Let 35 be the year you allow yourself rest.

Let 35 be the year you forgive yourself.

You won't always get it right... trust me... you will continue to make mistakes but as you've always done, you will learn from them... and that is when you'll really start to show out. Take your time with 35 because it's gonna be one hell of a ride, but if 34 showed you anything it's that you can pivot like no another and your problem solving is unmatched. It won't always seem like it — it never does — but you will thrive at 35. You will see wealth in all that you do.

You're worried about your health — physical and mental — but you got this Albie. You'll have a rocky start, no doubt, but it'll be worth it once you get your footing. You'll get into a routine before you know you — with working out, with drinking water, with how you eat. You'll get into your groove and it'll be no time before you're loving your body again... not because of how it looks but because of how you feel. You know better than most it's all about the baby steps.

Baby steps Albie...

Baby steps.

Speaking of...

I know you're worried about the mini... if you're raising her right... if you're a good mom. Spoiler: you are. You're a great mom. Some days are harder than others... some days are just straight up shit... but everyday you're learning. Your fears of motherhood... release them. You are part of a team and y'all got this.

I'm gonna say it again, in case you missed it Albie, but you are part of a team. Your marriage, your household... y'all are a team and a pretty dope team. Let your guard down. Have a little fun. The way you live as a family... as a wife... as a mom... the only rules you follow are the ones you make up so you're right on track.

Trust yourself Albie.

Trust your blessings Albie.

Trust the favor that's already been bestowed on you & yours.

I can't promise you all good days in 35 but I can guarantee that you will grow & thrive beyond your wildest dreams. You'll find your way because you always find your way. You're a way-maker.

Here's to the lessons you'll learn, the laughs you'll share, the lives you'll change.

Here's to you.

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