Amazon Favorites: April 2021


Last month I told you the coming months would involve a lot more shopping... and I meant it. Granted, a lot of April's purchases weren't just Amazon, and it wasn't as bad as I anticipated. Slowly but surely, I have been plotting my purchases in anticipation of the kitchen renovation ending, while other purchases have just been everyday homemaking/adulting/mom'ing things.

As I find myself continuously shopping -- and very cognizant of what that means for our finances and such -- I have also found ways to make my shopping less overwhelming. I add things to different lists or in the "save for later" section of my cart. This gives me time to read reviews, compare prices, and prioritize purchases... rinse and repeat. When I'm ready to pull the plug, I can just add to cart & make the purchase.

Needless to say I have countless kitchen related items on standby that I will take my time purchasing, because styling costs lots of duckets! Will all get purchased in May... or ever? No, because my "wishlist" is ever evolving...

And this is just kitchen related items... lest we forget, I bought a whole house. There are tons of other items that have nothing to do with the kitchen, but I don't have the mental calories to even focus on or commit to anything else right now... so I window shop.

Wanna see what I bought in April not from Amazon?