Amazon Favorites: July to September 2021


You read that right... quarter 3!

In case you missed it, I shared on my IG a while back that I didn't do a July Amazon favorites because I didn't do any real big or exciting shopping in July. Truth is that wasn't the only reason...

After completing the kitchen renovation, I was completely spent - literally & figuratively!

Both my mind & my wallet needed a breather, so even while shopping, it def wasn't with the same vigor I had been earlier in the year. Going into a season without any projects + a whole lotta life transitions, taking this break meant my shopping was a lil bit of this and a lil bit of that.

My Amazon purchases during Q3 were small and lifestyle in most cases... and better said, they were small but mighty — purchases that would enhance our day to day behaviors in some small way...

finance inserts for my mini happy planner planner system

• a ceiling mount for our media room projector

disposable masks, reusable masks, and mask lanyards for the mini

• a new resistance band set for the hubs & I

With the new projects coming up for the rest of the year, not to mention back to school and the holiday season, I am sure shopping will pick back up in more exciting ways in the last quarter of the year. Since we're nearing the one year anniversary of becoming homeowners, we're truly just enjoying all the changes and purchases we've made since beginning this journey.