Amazon Favorites: May 2021


Another month down y’all and I have to admit that I am doing a lot less shopping than I anticipated. Don’t get me wrong — I’m still shopping! What I’m saying is I thought I’d be doing a lot more than I actually am…and it does still feel like a lot because there seem to be daily deliveries here at the hygge ranch but alas… May was def a lighter load than I thought it’d be.

Why was I shopping less in the month of May?

Thinking about the past month, I realized there were a few contributing factors to my slower shopping habits —

  1. I was shopping the house: The more we’ve lived here and lived with what we have, the more I have found new uses for what we already have…or another solution that I was about to shop to solve. Homemaking isn’t just about the shopping — it’s not called homeshopping — so just getting settled into this being home, I am giving myself permission to redefine what we already have.

  2. I am waiting for Prime Day 2021: That wonderful time of year when there are deals all over the Amazon site is around the corner — June 21st and 22nd. It’ll be two days of deep discounts and crazy promos on a number of categories for Amazon Prime members. With it being so close, nothing seemed so pressing that I couldn’t wait a couple more weeks.

Even though I have managed to pace/control myself with my purchases, I am still “window shopping” for current and upcoming projects. Things I want but that’s I’m not getting at the moment get saved to one of the many idea lists I create in my Amazon Storefront.

What you’ll notice, compared to my idea lists, is that my purchases are just plugging in deficiencies — or just fun additions — in our everyday routine. From the seat padding to make my exercise bike more comfortable…to the deep tissue massage gun to help recover from the ride. From the mini desktop vac for easy, everyday clean up…to the flush mount ceiling lights to finally replace the dated lighting in our bedrooms. From the vegetable gardening book specifically for the Pacific Northwest to help me figure out our new garden… to the canvas apron for the mini so she can match our gardening aprons.

It’s all about the little things.

As we get closer to Amazon Prime Day 2021, I will be monitoring the different deals that’ll fill my household and lifestyle needs. No guarantees I’ll do a lot of shopping because it all depends of what’s on sale is actually what I need… or at the very least, what I want. Last year’s Prime Day was right when we were in the process of buying our new home, which really worked to our favor, because I snagged a few home improvement buys that we still use almost daily.

Considering the projects I have lined up for the summer and fall, I’ll def be keeping a close eye on the home & garden categories. See you next month!