Shop With Me: How To JOMO?

Original Text: FEBRUARY 2020

Links Updated: DECEMBER 2021


What is JOMO?

Over the past year, JOMO has swept the interwebs, replacing the ever-popular acronym FOMO, fear of missing out. But what exactly is JOMO?

It's the JOY of missing out.

Instead of burdening yourself by worrying about what you could be missing by not being at all the places, with all the people, doing all the things, you take pleasure in having personal time. You can experience JOMO but not attending social events (aka not people'ing) or by simply unplugging, which these days, is a vacation all in itself.

How do you JOMO?

I'd like to think I'm a bit of a JOMO expert for one of two reasons:

  1. as an introvert, people'ing literally exhausts me on every level

  2. I am by nature, a homebody & really enjoy my own company

While in my teens and twenties, I experienced my fair share of FOMO, always wanting to be in the know, I quickly grew out of that and learned new ways to enjoy my me time. Getting married and having my daughter only made quality with myself even more precious, so…

In addition to shopping for creature comforts I dons myself leaning more and more on services that aligned with my introverted living — curbside pickup at retailers like Target & Total Wine and grocery delivery from Walmart & Amazon Fresh (read my 120 day Amazon Review here).

Is JOMO for you?

I can say from experience, that there is truly a joy in “missing out” because while you may not out & about and in the know, what exactly are you missing out on? I find peace in my solitude, in the simplicity of lounging in my home, and just enjoying slowing down for a bit.

JOMO is gonna look different for you depending on what truly brings you joy — working out, journaling, your morning coffee, or just lazying around the house. I’d love to know how you JOMO, so be sure to head over to my Instagram feed and lemme know!

Albie Knows JOMO Essentials
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