Fall 2020 One Room Challenge x High Point Market: Week 2


I think I’m going to officially dub my One Room Challenge the “Must Be Nice” design!

Lemme explain…

If you follow me on Instagram (which you should by the way) then you know a few days ago I shared some of my design inspirations from Pinterest for manifesting my first home. My "Home 2021" board is broken up into sections, with one section being “‘Must Be Nice’ Rooms” because having those rooms/spaces in my future home would be really really nice!

Media Room

Home Gym

Laundry Room


I didn’t grow up with these kinds of rooms so when I think of them, it’s really a fantasy of my future. But what does this have to do with the One Room Challenge? So glad yo asked. Even though this year’s challenge is virtual, I’ve chosen to base my entire challenge on a very real space — a listed home we’ve got our eye on that has must. be. nice. rooms!

My initial intent was to work on what would be the media room, but in this conceptual, real space, the entire bottom level of the home is essentially comprised of “must nice” spaces — two bonus rooms, a laundry room, and a half bath… and access to an outdoor space. So as I worked on my design, I had a lightbulb moment…

Why stop with just the media room?

I decided to add on the study, so that took care of the two bonus rooms.

But why stop there Albie?!

Then, inspired by my recent virtual show house design (also for High Point Market), I decided to add on an outdoor component. This really seemed like a no brainer, since what would now be the study opens right up to a garden. I made some relevant tweaks to my design and was starting to feel really really good about the direction and how the 3 spaces were shaping up.

But I was skipping to very obvious parts of the design — the laundry room and half bathroom, that are already part of the media room. I just scooted right past them…with no real reason why. LOL.

As I said, this is based on a home that actually exists, so while I may not be beholden to things like client preferences and budget restrictions, I still wanted to operate within the confines of the home’s literal walls.

Based on the floor plan, the chosen media room has five points of egress, two of which lead to the the laundry room and the half bathroom.

It’s after leaving this area you’d be able to access the study and then get outside. So I double backed & made yet another design pivot.

So what’s the game plan?

Well this is the “must be nice” design right? Drawing inspiration from my Pinterest board, I want the spaces to have very distinct functions while also feeling cohesive. This part of the house is a luxury, and during a pandemic, a dream. I want it to be representative of comfort and joy and truly creating a home reflective of real lifestyles…but with an infinite budget, LOL.

The media room with be “dark and moody” while the study will feel open and luxurious. Contrasting, yet complimentary.

The laundry room and half bath with feel independent of the other spaces while still honoring the neutral on neutral palettes. Yes, I do think small spaces are a great opportunity to go big & bold, but that’s just not what I was feeling here. No promises I won’t change my mind though!

Lastly, outside will be highly inspired by the landscape’s natural beauty, while also bringing some of my favorite elements from the inside…out. Admittedly, in my excitement to get outside — because duh! — I totally neglected some prime design real estate opportunities; but you’re going to have to wait until week 3, when we talk all about sourcing, for the laundry & bathroom mood boards.


Sourcing High Point Market has the advantage of allowing us access to trade only vendors and very bespoke design options. Downside: making an actual decision. LOL.

With Market kicking off this week, the challenge gets a bit more exciting, as many vendors open up their literal and virtual doors for product tours. I won’t be in attendance in person — to be honest, I’m in no rush to get on a plane! — but I will be taking advantage of my preview guides. Be sure to join me over on Instagram stories this week as I flip through the pages and bookmark some ideas, but before you do that…

…hop over to this post with your comments on this week’s post.



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